In the particular case of Freire's liberating proposal, its anthropological basis marks the course of its dialogic action in a double function: a) as self-production of effective identity from dialogicity and encounter; b) to reveal the anti-dialogic nature of the capitalist mode of production. Its logic undermines the possibility of building mutual-participatory relationships when assign inertial identities built from empty signifiers that make up a hegemonic sense of reality. Therefore, the objective of this article is to analyze the way in which dialogicity and anti-dialogicity are part of this dialectical process of liberating self-production and disclosure of the logic of submission in the quotidian. Methodologically, hermeneutics is used as an interpretation of Freire's dialogic text, with categorical support from authors such as Laclau (empty signifier and floating signifiers) and Therborn (three levels of construction of reality).
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