Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

In the tropics of knowledge: The construction of the imaginary of gossip and its relationship with knowledge in the novel Cae la noche tropical, by Manuel Puig
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Gossip; knowledge; imaginary; literature; sociocognitive
Chisme; conocimiento; imaginario; literatura; sociocognitivo

How to Cite

Blanco Ramos, R. A. . (2023). In the tropics of knowledge: The construction of the imaginary of gossip and its relationship with knowledge in the novel Cae la noche tropical, by Manuel Puig. Revista Estudios.


The theme of this research explains how the discourse of gossip contributes to the formation of knowledge from the integration of various socio-cognitive and cultural processes, and how it is represented in the literature through the functionality of the imaginary of gossip. To exemplify this process, analyze the contribution of the imaginary of gossip in the construction of common sense and knowledge of beliefs in the latest novel by the Argentine writer Manuel Puig, Cae la noche tropical.
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