Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Professional training in the Integrated Management of Marine-Coastal Areas as an academic proposal from the Sede del Sur of the Universidad of Costa Rica
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Integrated management of coastal marine areas; Brunca Region, curriculum innovation; vocational training; Sede del Sur; Universidad of Costa Rica
Manejo Integrado de Áreas Marino Costeras; Región Brunca; innovación curricular; formación profesional; Sede del Sur; Universidad de Costa Rica.

How to Cite

Rodríguez García, M. J. ., & Castillo Castillo, A. (2023). Professional training in the Integrated Management of Marine-Coastal Areas as an academic proposal from the Sede del Sur of the Universidad of Costa Rica. Revista Estudios.


The integrated management of marine-coastal areas has emerged as one of the most promising strategies for the conservation of marine and coastal resources, based on experiences in North America and Europe. In the case of Latin America, there are several careers that train professionals in this area. In particular, in Costa Rica, programs are offered mainly at the postgraduate level, but there are no proposals that train professionals with holistic knowledge from undergraduate level that provide tools for solving problems associated with the coasts. The objective of this article is to visualize the importance of training professionals in the integrated management of coastal marine areas, from a contextualized curricular management in the southern zone of Costa Rica, with an international projection. The physical, socioeconomic and political characteristics of Costa Rica justify the need to train professionals in this mentioned area, through innovative curricular elements.
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