Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

General Overview of Musical Bands in Costa Rica: An Outlook from the Professional and Academic Backgrounds from the General Directorate of Bands and the School of Musical Arts
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Costa Rica
musical training
Costa Rica
formación musical

How to Cite

Meza Solano, J. C. . (2024). General Overview of Musical Bands in Costa Rica: An Outlook from the Professional and Academic Backgrounds from the General Directorate of Bands and the School of Musical Arts. Revista Estudios, (48), 122–144.


The objective of this paper is to provide a general overview of music bands in Costa Rica, essentially from two points of view: the professional, from the reality of the Directorate General for Bands belonging to the Ministry of Culture and the academic, specifically at the university level and with particular emphasis on the School of Musical Arts of the University of Costa Rica. Methodologically, this article is approached from personal experience as director of symphonic bands, both professional and student, as well as from the analysis of documents. In addition to the historical value, they represent since their foundation and the cultural and musical impact they treasure, it is considered important to know these institutions from their operation, from which it is concluded that both institutions constitute a contribution of great relevance to the Costa Rican musical development that allows the public to enjoy music of great quality and diversity.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Carlos Meza Solano


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