Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Body-text in the poetry of Camila Sosa Villada
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latin american literature
literary style
women authors
literatura latinoamericana
estilo literario

How to Cite

Ramírez Agüero, B. (2024). Body-text in the poetry of Camila Sosa Villada. Revista Estudios, (49), 191–214.


This paper presents a critical analysis of the poetry collection La novia de Sandro (2015) by Argentine writer Camila Sosa Villada, a debut work that, despite its aesthetic and thematic contributions, has received scant attention from Latin American critics. The main objective of this study is to explore the relationship between the notions of body and text in this poetic production. To achieve this, a theoretical framework is employed, drawing on the contributions of scholars such as Meri Torras, Monique Wittig, and Judith Butler, whose gender perspectives are discussed in the second section of the article. Through this lens, the concept of body-text in Sosa Villada’s work is analyzed, highlighting its capacity to articulate a discourse of resistance against a social system characterized as heteronormative, repressive, and violent. Ultimately, the paper provides a detailed interpretation of the interplay between identity, body, and word in the poetry of an author who challenges literary and social conventions.
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