The appearance of a newspaper like La Chispa, in February 1926, can be read as an expression of the first crisis in the history of the still young Argentinean Communist Party (CPA). A growing tension caused by tactical and strategic disagreements, and also about how to conceive a political action and the construction of a power oriented into a revolution sense, were elements that were present from the very origins of Argentinean communism (even when it has not yet adopted this name and instead it called itself International Socialist Party), that will finally burst in the mid-'20s. Without wishing to be isolated from the growing revolutionary network that was weaving all over the world having as a center Moscow, La Chispa, and through it, the Communist Workers Party, tried to build a different and alternative communist movement to that other that incarnated the original version around the leadership of José Fernando Penelon, surrounded by two leaders in rapid ascent: Victorio Codovilla y Rodolfo Ghioldi.
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JAIFETS, Lazar et al. 2004 La Internacional Comunista y América Latina. Diccionario Biográfico (Moscú/Ginebra: Instituto de Latinoamérica de la Academia de las Ciencias/Institut pour l’Histoire du Communisme).
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ORIOLO, Jordán 1994 Antiesbozo de la historia delPartido Comunista (1918-1928) (Buenos Aires: Centro Editor de América Latina) 2 vols.
PITA GONZÁLEZ, Alexandra 2004 Intelectuales, integración e identidad regional. La Unión Latinoamericana y el Boletín Renovación, 1922-1930(México: El Colegio de México-Centro de Estudios Históricos) Inédito.
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VARGAS, Otto 2004 El marxismo y la revolución argentina(Buenos Aires: Editorial Ágora) 2 tomos.
Revistas y periódicos
Boletín de la Liga Antiimperialista-Sección Argentina, 1926
La Chispa(Periódico delPartido Comunista Obrero) 1926-1929
La Internacional (Periódico del Partido Comunista Argentina) 1925-1930 Liberación.
Periódico mensual de la Liga Antiimperialista 1927-1928
Documentos y volantes del CEDINCI (Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas en Argentina).
“Archivo de la Internacional Comunista en la Argentina (1919-1943)”, en el CCC (Centro Cultural de la Cooperación: Unidad de Información)