Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

El título como programador de lectura en el cuento <i>Hombre de la esquina rosada</i>, de J.L. Borges
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Jorge Luis Borges
Man on Pink Corner
Jorge Luis Borges
"Hombre de la esquina rosada"
"Man from the Pink Corner"

How to Cite

González Muñoz, I. (2004). El título como programador de lectura en el cuento <i>Hombre de la esquina rosada</i>, de J.L. Borges. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 30(2), 25–32.


Beginning with a limited understanding of the studies of titulology (in particular Gennerte, 1987), this work proposes a reading from the title of the well-known story of Jorge Luis Borges, "Man on Pink Comer". In spite of being one of rus most-read stories, according to Borges himself, a bibliographic review makes clear that it has not been thoroughly analyzed, and, for that reason, one considers a reading that, in addition, reverts the traditional scheme when raising the existence of a narrator who decieves the reader.
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