Management of Education ISSN electrónico: 2215-2288

Execution of the “competency assessment” program implemented by the Ministry of Public Education in the Technical Education: the case of Professional Technical School in San Sebastian
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competence assessment
administration of non-formal education
evaluación por competencias
administración de la educación no formal

How to Cite

Retana Morales, J. (2013). Execution of the “competency assessment” program implemented by the Ministry of Public Education in the Technical Education: the case of Professional Technical School in San Sebastian. Management of Education, 4(1), 37–63.


This article refers the results of the research about the program assessment by competences, implemented by the Ministry of public education in the technical education in the Professional Technical School in San Sebastian, from diagnosis the educators have on the proposal, the identification of difficulties and advantages in your application. The study is qualitative with a descriptive approach, involving teachers and managers to which are performed interviews to obtain the most accurate information of the reality of the program at that school. Among the findings is demonstrated weakness in the implementation of the program, due to the lack of knowledge of basic concepts and guidelines of the competency assessment program. As advantages, is determined the evaluation approach to the world of work, which will play the student, from their specific competences, so that the importance of non-formal education management stands out to gestate processes socio-educational in that sense.
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