Management of Education ISSN electrónico: 2215-2288

Duty, power and management in the actual Costa Rican public education system
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Education administration
management education
global network society
power and management
duty and management
Administración de la educación
gestión de la educación
sociedad red global
poder y gestión
deber y gestión

How to Cite

Calvo Gutiérrez, I. (2013). Duty, power and management in the actual Costa Rican public education system. Management of Education, 4(1), 161–175.


This article proposes, firstly, the challenges faced by the Costa Rican Management of Education by the Information and Communications Technology (ICT); and the Society of Information and Knowledge (SIK). Subsequently, diverse and extremely important aspects are considered, such as the cost of certain devices, some types of contexts and the global network society explained by Castells; to effectively implement a significant change upon an educational organization. In light of these ideas, an articulation between Kantian duty, the power of Castells and the management proposed by Drucker is explained; in order to suppress different social inequalities, as well as to confront it with the bourdesian ideas about the reproduction; in virtue of what is offered by Castells’ global network society; which leads to an analysis based on the position of Thomas Kuhn. Afterwards, a panorama is shown according to which, the individual that is exposed to a universe of electronic pages, must be correctly oriented, starting with the Management of Education, so that this individual may utilize the information offered, in the best possible way. Finally, conclusions are drawn which are oriented towards the importance of the inquiry of postures and/or lines of thought which are exceptionally essential to humanity, such as the impact upon bourdesian ideas, considering Castells’ global network society; and the Costa Rican public educational system.
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