The results of a study are presented within a research-fieldwork model which analyzed mechanisms to promote pedagogical leadership among English Teachers currently in service that had graduated from the Brunca Regional Headquarters Campus at National University of Costa Rica (UNA-SRB) with a Bachelor´s Degree in English as a Foreign Language. The study consisted fo four stages: detect the problem, design a proposal, assess the proposal and analyze the information obtained from this assessment. The proposal consisted in establishing a Continuous Education Network (REEDUCO) aimed at English as a Second Language Teachers with the goal of providing educational, communication and feedback opportunities regarding their teaching performance to strengthen pedagogical leadership skills. Five models were designed to attain this objective. Each model included a corresponding Facilitator´s Manual. Both models were then used in the workshops. The two workshop modules were assessed by two experts and the group of participants. Among the main findings, it can be highlighted that UNA-SRB lacks a follow-up program for graduates in this discipline. Neither does it keep track of the other public and private higher learning institutions current teachers graduated from. In addition, all of the teachers involved in this study stated that they were very interested in pursuing teacher leadership skills.References
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