InterSedes ISSN Impreso: 1409-4746 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2458

The Portfolio of Evidence as a Learning Tool in the Course Philosophy of Law I
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higher education
educational research
critical thinking
educational methods
educación universitaria
investigación pedagógica
métodos de enseñanza
pensamiento crítico

How to Cite

Baltodano Mayorga, J. D. (2023). The Portfolio of Evidence as a Learning Tool in the Course Philosophy of Law I. InterSedes, 25(51). Retrieved from


This article explores the experience of implementing the portfolio of evidence as a pedagogic strategy in the course Philosophy of Law I during the I semester of 2022 at the University of Costa Rica in Guanacaste. This experience was systematized in order to assess the pertinence and importance of said strategy on fostering critical thinking as part of the legal phenomenon. This research followed a qualitative approach by undergoing a bibliographic review and applying a questionnaire to the student population. The results show that this strategy promoted the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for this course. Therefore, it is concluded that applying this strategy prompted students’ learning, which proved its pertinence in regard to the course objectives.

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