InterSedes ISSN Impreso: 1409-4746 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2458

New pedagogical architectures in the teaching of English: use of virtual tools in a hybrid university curriculum
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Online Learning
aprendizaje en línea

How to Cite

Quesada Chaves, M. J. . (2023). New pedagogical architectures in the teaching of English: use of virtual tools in a hybrid university curriculum. InterSedes, 24(50), 85–120.


This article systematizes the experience lived as a result of the educational paradigm shift at a methodological level for the teaching of English, specifically what happened in a grammar in the English career with Training in Business Management at the University of Costa Rica. We are facing a reality where in the classroom we have a generation that is highly influenced by the use of technology and they might present problems to adapt to the traditional teaching processes. The reality is that many students demand and expect more creative learning environments. The pandemic caused by the Sars Cov-2 virus forced all educational institutions to rethink their traditional and face-to-face teaching model. The curriculum had to be adapted to an emergency remote education, characterized by the creation of virtual environments. It was concluded, after this study, that the use of technological tools by themselves does not imply innovation or successful learning, it is required to be a methodology focused on the student but supported by ICT, the teacher becomes the designer and moderator of these spaces. It is concluded that if there is a successful implementation, more and better learning will occur, but all this implies a methodological change to what had traditionally been used.
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