Current Issue

EARLY VIEW. Lankesteriana: Volume 25, number 1 (January–April)
					View EARLY VIEW. Lankesteriana: Volume 25, number 1 (January–April)
Published: 2025-03-10


  • A new miniature ghost orchid appears in the Dominican Republic

    James D. Ackerman, Eladio Fernández, Betsaida Cabrera, Normandie González-Orellana
  • Sobralia aryaelizabethiana (Orchidaceae), a small and unusual new species from northern Peru

    Luis Ocupa-Horna, Janice Valencia-D.
  • Synopsis of Epidendrum (Laeliinae) from the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil: taxonomy and distribution

    Micheli Lara, Edlley Pessoa
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LANKESTERIANA, International Journal on Orchidology, is devoted to the publication of original contributions on orchidology, including orchid systematics, ecology, evolution, anatomy, physiology, history, etc., as well as reviews of books and conferences on these topics. Short communications and commentaries are also accepted and should be titled as such. The official language of the journal is English (papers are published with a Spanish summary), and manuscripts submitted in Spanish will be considered case by case. Manuscripts are evaluated critically by two or more external referees, in double-blind mode. 

Through Early View, Lankesteriana is committed to considering shortening the times requested for effective publication of scientific, peer-reviewed papers, for the benefit of both the authors and the readers of the journal. The papers in this section of Lankesteriana receive an individual DOI and are published online as soon as the editorial process is concluded positively. They represent early views of the final papers exactly as they will be included in the hard-printed, complete issue of the journal. The effective date of publication of each paper is established by the date of its first publication online, which is recorded on the front page of the paper both in its online and hard-printed versions. The printed version of LANKESTERIANA is periodically published in volumes, three times a year - in April, August, and December - by the Lankester Botanical Garden, University of Costa Rica.

LANKESTERIANA is indexed by Thomson Reuters’ Biosis, SciELO, Scopus, Latindex, Scirus, and WZB, it is included in the databases of Redalyc, E-journals, Ebookbrowse, FAO Online Catalogues, CiteBank, Mendeley, WorldCat, Core Electronic Journals Library, and Biodiversity Heritage Library, The Latindex Directory, and in the electronic resources of the Columbia University, the University of Florida, the University of Hamburg, and the Smithsonian Institution, among others. 

Postmaster: Jardín Botánico Lankester, Universidad de Costa Rica, P.O. Box 302-7050 Cartago, Costa Rica, C.A.

ISSN-e: 2215-2067 | ISSN 1409-3871