
Once a paper is accepted for publication in Lankesteriana, the author(s) must complete and sign the "Responsible Authorship Form". By submitting materials for publication, the author(s) assign all rights, including copyright, to the Lankester Botanical Garden, University of Costa Rica.

Copyright Notice

Lankesteriana follows the Open Access policy of the University of Costa Rica, which means that all papers published in the journal are licensed under a Creative Commons license and can be downloaded free of charge. The journal holds the copyright and publishing rights under the CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 CR license. This license allows readers to share and distribute the work but not to modify or use it for commercial purposes without permission from the journal and the author(s).

Publication Charges

There are no page charges for authors, and articles are published under an open-access model, free of cost. Before publication in LANKESTERIANA, authors assign distribution rights to the Lankester Botanical Garden. If authors wish to reproduce the iconographic material published in LANKESTERIANA in other sources, they should contact the journal directly at and provide proper acknowledgment of the original publication in LANKESTERIANA.