Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373


Final manuscript preparation

The editor of the Journal uses standard LaTeX for its editing process. It is recommended that authors use the same processor and version to expedite the editing process and, consequently, the publication of the article. If other word processors are used, the speed of publication will depend on the difficulty and speed of transcribing it into LaTeX. Additionally, the Editor reserves the right to postpone the publication of a manuscript that does not follow the established guidelines or is not submitted in LaTeX.

For authors, we provide a basic macro for the class and a .tex file at this link, which can be used as a guide to complete all the necessary information. Please consider the following when filling out the file:

  • If the final version of the manuscript is submitted in a word processor other than LaTeX (e.g., Word Office or Libre Office), a fee of US$ 10 will be charged for converting each page of the document to LaTeX. This fee must be paid on the UCR Foundation website, and the payment receipt must be sent by email to
  • The submitted version will differ in form, but not in content, from the final version.
  • Use cross-references as needed, particularly for the following: \figure, \table, \equation, \eqnarray, \cite, \ref, \label, \caption.
  • If using special fonts or macros, include them in the source file of the manuscript. Please only include those that are used in the submitted manuscript.
  • The hyphenation in Spanish must be done manually using \hyphenation in the preamble. For example: \hyphenation{va-ria-ble co-rre-la-ci'on a-de-m'as}.
  • To prepare the bibliography, add a document references.bib with the references in the given format. The entries in this document should follow the standard format:

AUTHOR = {Lastname1, Firstname1 and Lastname2, Firstname2 and Lastname3, Firstname3},
TITLE = {The title},
JOURNAL = {Journal Name},
VOLUME = {60},
YEAR = {2021},
NUMBER = {3-4},
PAGES = {413--424},
DOI = {10.1007/s00153-020-00748-1}, }

Where ITEMTYPE can be article, book, inbook, inproceedings, thesis, unpublished, online. For questions about the reference format used in the journal, you can visit the Bibliography link.