Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373


For submitting a manuscript

  • Authors should submit manuscripts at the journal’s website, accompanied with a letter of submission signed by all authors. This letter may be digitally signed. It is worth noting that authors hold the copyright without restrictions and retain publishing rights without restrictions as well. Submitted manuscripts will be evaluated by specialized referees. Only after acceptance, authors should send the final document – containing possible improvements and corrections suggested by the referees– with the source file in LATEX. Authors are not charged for submission or publication of their manuscripts.
  • The letter of submission, addressed to the Editor, must contain at least the following elements:

–    “Hereby, we wish to submit to the Journal Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones the manuscript...(title of the manuscript)”;

–    “coauthored by” and the full names of all authors;

–    “We certify that we know and fulfill the journal’s Code of Ethics and that the manuscript is original to the above authors and it has not been submitted to any other scientific journal.”

–    All authors must sign the letter. If they live in different countries, then every one must send the letter.

  • The manuscript can be written in English or Spanish.