Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

Estudio crítico del modelo de Manly-Parr
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Poltronieri Vargas, J. (1994). Estudio crítico del modelo de Manly-Parr. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 1(1), 61–71.


Manly and Parr in 1968 obtain a model which give an estimation of the parameters of an animal population. The model presents some weakness on the specifications of the class of individual in the population. In the present paper we solve this problem in the model. We compare the estimators in the new model with the Jolly-Seber and we give the formulae of variance-covariance of the estimators.
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Jolly G. M. (1965). “Explicit estimates from capture-recapture data with both death and inmigration–stochastic model”. Biometrika 52, pp. 225-47.

Manly B. F. J. (1969) “Some properties of a method of estimating the size of mobile animal population”. Biometrika 56, pp. 407 -10.

Manly B.F.J. – Parr M.J. (1968) “A new method of estimating populations size survivorship and birhtrate from capture recapture data”. Trans. Soc. Brit. Ent. 18, pp. 81-9.

Poltronieri J. (1977) “Capture–marquage–recapture : Ètude de quelques mèthodes statistiques en cinétique des populations”. Thèse Doctorat Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France.

Poltronieri J. (1980) “Modelo con diferentes probabilidades de captura y sobrevivencia”. Cienc. Tec. 4(1,2), pp. 37-48.

Seber G.A.F. (1965) “A note on the multiple recapture census”. Biometrika 52, pp. 249-59.



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