Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

Analysis of optimal control problems for the process of wastewater biological treatment


wastewater treatment
nonlinear model
optimal control
tratamiento de aguas residuales
modelo no lineal
control óptimo

How to Cite

Grigorieva, E. V., Bondarenko, N. V., Khailov, E. N., & Korobeinikov, A. (2013). Analysis of optimal control problems for the process of wastewater biological treatment. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 20(2), 103–118.


We consider a three-dimensional deterministic control model of the process of aerobic wastewater biotreatment. For this model, we formulate and solve two optimal control problems, each of which has a corresponding minimizing functional. For the first problem, the functional is a weighted sum of the pollutant concentration at the end of a fixed time interval and the cumulative biomass con- centration over the interval. For the second problem, the functional is a weighted sum of the pollutant concentration at the end of the time interval and the cumulative oxygen and biomass concentra- tions over the interval. In order to solve these problems, we apply the Pontryagin Maximum Principle. The switching functions are analytically investigated and uniquely determine the type of the op- timal controls for the considered problems. Their properties allow the simplification of the optimal control problems to that of finite- dimensional constrained minimization. Numerical solutions of the optimal control problems are also provided.


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