Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

Modelos aditivos y multiplicativos en el análisis de matrices multitrazos - multimétodos de cuestionarios de intereses profesionales
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conceptual validity
multitrait-multimethod matrices
confirmatoty factor analysis
direct- product model
professional interest
validez conceptual
matrices multitrazos – multimétodos
análisis factorial confirmatorio
modelo producto directo
intereses profesional

How to Cite

Juhel, J., & Marivain, T. (1998). Modelos aditivos y multiplicativos en el análisis de matrices multitrazos - multimétodos de cuestionarios de intereses profesionales. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 5(1), 49–56.


The psychologist needs the evaluation of the conceptual validity (convergent and discriminant) of psychological constructions, used for describing and explaining the organization of his observations. In this work, we describe two approaches based in latent variables, that can be used for these evaluations. The first one is the first order confirmatory (or restrictive) factor analysis; the second one is the direc´-product model where the traits and the methods take effect. The methods are used on a data matrix multitrait and multimethod take effect. The methods are used on a data matrix   multitrait and multimethod obtained on a sample of 189 french high-school students, that responded two questionnaires of  professional interests; a discussion of the results follows.
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