In this work we present numerical results for the 2D problem of scattering E polarised whispering-gallery mode from concave convex perfectly conducting boundary. The results were obtained by applying the developed method of currants integral equations (CIE) [6,7] for high frequency domain when the size of the scatterer match is greater than the wave length. We have applied the described procedure in order to find numerical solutions of scattering whispering-gallery mode by concave finite convex boundary as a part of a circular cylinder or part of parabolic cylinder. As incident wave we have considered cylindrical waves from line source and Gauss beam [6] with different effective width. It is shown that we have a complicated process of focusing and oscillating of the beam’s reflected field, both cylindrical and Gauss beam incident fields. The distortions of reflected field depend on shape of the boundary and parameters of the incident fields.
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