Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

Artificial neural network predictions of water levels in a Gulf of Mexico shallow embayment
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Neural networks
Water level
Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network
Gulf of Mexico
harmonic analysis
tide charts
persistence model
nivel del agua
Red de Observación Oceánica de la Costa de Texas
Golfo de México
análisis armónico
gráficos de mareas
modelo de persistencia

How to Cite

Bowles, Z., Tissot, P. E., Michaud, P., & Sadovski, A. (2005). Artificial neural network predictions of water levels in a Gulf of Mexico shallow embayment. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 12(1-2), 139–150.


Tide tables are the method of choice for water level predictions in most coastal regions. However, for many locations along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, tide tables do not meet United States National Ocean Service (NOS) standards. Wind forcing has been recognized as the main variable not included. The performance of the tide tables is particularly poor in shallow embayments. Recent research has shown that Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models including input variables such as previous water levels, tidal forecasts, wind speed, wind direction, wind forecasts and barometric pressure can greatly improve over the tide charts for locations including open coast and deep embayments. In this paper, the ANN modeling technique is applied to a shallow embayment, the station of Rockport, located near Corpus Christi, Texas. The ANN model performance is compared against the NOS tide charts and the persistence model for the years 1997 to 2001. The performance is assessed using NOS criteria including Central Frequency (CF of 15 cm), Maximum Duration of Positive Outliers (MDPO), and Maximum Duration of Negative Outliers (MDNO). Over the study period, the performances of the three models (tide table, persistence, ANN) are respectively CF’s of 85%, 95.8% and 96.9%, MDPOs of 16, 14 and 5.9 hours, and MDNOs of 72.8 hours, 0.6 and 9.5 hours.
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Info on Rockport elevation: planner/p 09750 2800 cty.

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