Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

Nautelia: sistema automatizado para el ruteo náutico meteorológico
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Nonlinear programming
ordinary differential equations
genetic algorithms
Programación no lineal
ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias
algoritmos genéticos

How to Cite

Cordero Hernández, Y., Fernández Castillo, K., Baguer Díaz-Romañach, M. L., Calnick, A., & Borrajeros, I. (2008). Nautelia: sistema automatizado para el ruteo náutico meteorológico. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 15(1), 13–26.


For the captain of a ship, it is very important to have a proposal of the route that allows him to reach the desired destiny as soon as possible, taking into account weather conditions. In order to find such a route a former estimation of meteorological variables for every single day of the journey is needed, because those variables have a direct influence in the speed of the ship. This estimation is done using the weather
forecast, obtained from the Internet.

To find a route fast enough one must transform the weather forecast data so that it can be used afterwards for computing the speed. Besides, it is necessary to build models that describe the influence of each one of the meteorological variables in the speed of the ship for a certain place and time and estimate the journey time for a specific route, depending on the ships characteristics. Finally, the sailing time is optimized, basically changing the initial route using optimization methods.
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