Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

Análisis comparativo de eficiencia técnica entre la banca chilena y alemana
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Technical efficiency
stochastic frontier
cost function
production function
data envelopment analysis
translog technology
Eficiencia técnica
frontera de costos
frontera de producción
Análisis Envolvente de Datos
tecnología translogarítmica

How to Cite

Aguirre González, M., Herrera Leiva, R., & Bravo Espinoza, G. (2007). Análisis comparativo de eficiencia técnica entre la banca chilena y alemana. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 14(2), 203–218.


The present study intends to analyze comparativily the technical efficiency of the Chilean and German bank, by means of stochastic frontiers of production and cost and data envelopment analysis. In both stochastic frontiers a translog technology was used. With the data envelopment analysis the index of malmquist was calculated to analyze technological change. The data base was provided by the central banks of both countries and contains information of all the banks of Chile and Germany for period 1991-2000. From the obtained results it is possible to be mentioned that the Chilean banks are highly efficient in costs (80%) as in production (90%). The German bank presents a 90% of efficiency in costs as well as in production. When comparing the countries, the German bank turned out to be more efficient than the Chilean bank in a 15% in production and 18% in costs. The index of Malmquist shows that the technological change has stayed more or less constant for both banks.
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