Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

A two-level overlapping Schwarz preconditioner for discontinuous Galerkin methods


Descomposición de dominios
Métodos discontinuos de Galerkin
Subdominios con frontera irregular
Algoritmos con traslape de Schwarz
Problemas elípticos nodales
Domain decomposition
Discontinuous Galerkin methods
Irregular subdomain boundaries
Overlapping Schwarz algorithms
Nodal elliptic problems

How to Cite

Calvo, J. G., & Solano, M. (2025). A two-level overlapping Schwarz preconditioner for discontinuous Galerkin methods. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 32(1), 15–33.


This article introduces a two-level overlapping additive Schwarz algorithm tailored for solving elliptic problems discretized with the symmetric interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method. The proposed algorithm allows for the use of irregular subdomains, overcoming limitations of other approaches where the coarse mesh was based on triangular elements. Additionally, we provide a brief description of the numerical implementation of the Galerkin method. We present numerical results validating the relevance of our algorithm, including cases where the coefficient of the differential equation is discontinuous—a feature that is particularly relevant to various practical applications.


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Copyright (c) 2025 Juan G. Calvo, Moisés Solano


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