This work analyzes the linguistic corpus of the slang of the Central Penitentiary of Costa Rica between the years 1950-1979 based on the contributions of the Anthropological Linguistics. The purpose of this analysis is to determine which were the predominant lexical units in the life of those deprived of liberty in terms of naming what is most pertinent and what has meaning for this group of speakers. The results of this analysis are shown pursuant to the direction of this linguistic study when taking into consideration the use of language in its social dimension. The grouping of words (understood as associative axes with more repercussion in the life of the private ones) were: violence-aggression and interpersonal relationships, with usage rates of 31.8% and 18.7% respectively. These rates affirm that these are actually relevant aspects of their lives. The need to establish interpersonal relationships in a world permeated by violence and aggression is what is most striking in life in the Central Penitentiary of Costa Rica during the years 1950-1979. This type of approach allows reflection on the life experience of the members of a speaking community in their relations with the other, with themselves and with the world.
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