Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586

Body Percussion and "Cognitive Solfeggio". Pedagogical resources according to the BAPNE Method.
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Cognitive Solfege
BAPNE Method
solfeo cognitivo
percusión corporal
Método BAPNE

How to Cite

Romero Naranjo, F. J. (2020). Body Percussion and "Cognitive Solfeggio". Pedagogical resources according to the BAPNE Method. Pensamiento Actual, 20(35).


Through the BAPNE method, a new didactic strategy is proposed for learning the musical language called "Cognitive Solfege" based on experiential, group and inclusive learning. The study and analysis of a large part of the musical language treaties lead us to a very common didactic rejection by both the students who learn it and the teachers who teach it. Obsolete didactic models based on rational and mathematical resources bring great apathy to students in the first music sessions. In this article, a sequential didactic structure articulated through a special classroom of neuromotricity called the "Garden of the Baobab" is proposed, created expressly for the internalization of the first steps of learning the pulse, meter, musical notes and intonation.
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