Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586

Evaluation of four long size cucumber genotypes grown under greenhouse conditions
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Cucumis sativus
Cucumis sativus

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Cruz-Coronado, J., & Monge P´érez, J. (2021). Evaluation of four long size cucumber genotypes grown under greenhouse conditions. Pensamiento Actual, 21(36).


The objective of the study was to evaluate yield and quality of four long fruit size parthenocarpic cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) genotypes (Arioso, Cumlaude, Kalunga and Paisaje) grown under greenhouse conditions at the Agricultural Experimental Station Fabio Baudrit Moreno located in Alajuela, Costa Rica. The crop was planted on coconut fiber as substrate, pruned to one stem per plant and managed with fertigation. Data show a wide variety among genotypes with respect to days to start of flowering (19 – 21 days after transplant –dat-), days to start of harvest (28 – 30 dat), fruit length (31,02 – 32,38 cm), fruit diameter (48,74 – 52,31 mm), total number of fruits per plant (16,60 – 26,92), fruit weight (470,17 – 517,77 g), commercial yield (14,47 – 23,53 kg/m2), total yield (20,49 – 33,46 kg/m2), and percentage of total soluble solids (3,01 – 3,64 °Brix). First quality cucumber fruits showed higher length and diameter than second quality and waste quality fruits. In general, first and second quality fruits obtained higher percentage of total soluble solids than waste quality fruits. Cumlaude genotype obtained the highest first quality yield (12,61 kg/m2), so it is considered the best adapted to the conditions of the trial; otherwise, Arioso obtained the lowest commercial and total yield.
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