Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586

Impacts of COVID-19 in Cancun, Mexico. Work experiences from the hotel industry
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work experiences
hotel industry
experiencias laborales

How to Cite

González José, M. L., Vargas Martínez, E. E., & Delgado Cruz, A. (2022). Impacts of COVID-19 in Cancun, Mexico. Work experiences from the hotel industry. Pensamiento Actual, 22(38).


The pandemic generated by COVID-19 and confinement as a preventive measure for the disease, have caused repercussions on economic activities, being unfavorable for sectors such as tourism. The objective of this research is to analyze the impacts of COVID-19 in the hotel sector of Cancun from the work experiences of the workers. For this, a qualitative approach and phenomenological design methodology were used. The in-depth interview was used as a data collection technique, with which twenty oral experiences were accessed. The results show that workers have been in disturbing situations since the outbreak of the disease, generating an imbalance in their work and social life. Psychological problems are observed both due to the pandemic and unemployment. There is also a greater presence of the use of technologies to continue participating in work activities; however, there is fragility for operational employees due to not being able to telework. As in other businesses, working hours have been reduced, leaving salary and employment at risk. With these experiences, there is evidence of a limited hotel sector in strategies that support the workforce, placing workers in a vulnerable situation.​
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