Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586

Crossing the Border: Frictions, Triggers and Opportunities for Knowledge Integration in Social Action projects
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knowledge management
knowledge integration
social action
social innovation
gestión de conocimientos
integración de conocimientos
acción social
innovación social

How to Cite

Villalobos Ramírez, S. M. (2022). Crossing the Border: Frictions, Triggers and Opportunities for Knowledge Integration in Social Action projects. Pensamiento Actual, 22(38).


Knowledge integration is seen as the ability to bring together diverse bodies of knowledge to solve complex problems and facilitate innovation. The aim of the text is to elucidate possible frictions, triggers and opportunities to promote integration processes among those responsible for Social Action projects as a strategy for social innovation in the academic context. The methodology involved the collection of information through two primary sources: firstly, interviews were applied to a sample of sixteen qualified informants, from the analysis of the information collected, a categorization is made, and the needs are condensed to identify twelve opportunities for "Outcome-Driven Innovation " (Ulwick, 2014). In a second stage of research these twelve opportunities were incorporated into a questionnaire in which a sample of twenty-five informants were asked to rate the degree of satisfaction and degree of importance using a Likert scale on each opportunity. At the same time, publications related to knowledge management and transfer were reviewed. The results of this exploratory identification show that some triggers for integration occur under emergent conditions, sense of duty and purpose. Peer collaboration occurs to the extent that the basic needs of security, perceived benefit and reciprocity are met. The quantification of results demonstrates the need to provide training and motivation to engage in integrative processes that result in greater innovation. Finally, considerations are raised for the prospective analysis of the case.
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