Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586

Development and Implementation of a Simple Method for Quantify Potential Microbial Contamination in Teaching and Research Laboratory Spaces
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Colony Forming Unit
Microbial Environmental Monitoring
Culture Media
Unidades formadoras de colonia
muestro ambiental pasivo
medio de cultivo

How to Cite

Jiménez-Barboza, L. A. ., & Gamboa-Villalobos, A. M. . (2022). Development and Implementation of a Simple Method for Quantify Potential Microbial Contamination in Teaching and Research Laboratory Spaces. Pensamiento Actual, 22(39).


In this article it has been developed and implemented an environmental air monitoring-based method to easily quantify microbial contamination in different areas of the Laboratorio de Biotecnología, at the Occidente Campus of Universidad de Costa Rica. It determines potentially polluted zones by counting the viable fallout onto Petri dishes left open that, after incubation, give rise to microbial colony forming units (CFU). The optimized conditions for this study resulted in a Petri dish opening time of 2 h followed by an incubation period of 48 h at 37 °C. This method can be simply adapted to other teaching and research laboratories by segmenting the main working spaces into different areas (depending on the nature and activities they present) and adjusting the Petri dish opening time and incubation conditions to allow proper CFU formation. It has been found statistically significant differences among the 6 studied laboratory spaces by using 3 Petri dishes replicates per area during 5 sampling weeks of environmental monitoring rounds. The most polluted area resulted to be the washing and autoclaving area; followed by most of the laboratory working benches. The least contaminated area comprised the one destined to the preparation of reagents and use of laboratory equipment. This is the first microbial environmental monitoring protocol ever developed at the Laboratorio de Biotecnología at Occidente Campus of Universidad de Costa Rica. It will facilitate a better use, distribution, and maintenance of clean areas within the laboratory to implement more complex and specialized methodologies that demand better microbiological conditions in the near future.
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