Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586

Sistematización de las labores de Centro de literatura infantil y juvenil y su impacto en la región de Occidente: una investigación histórica y análisis de resultados
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Social outreach
Children's and Youth Literature Center
university community work
Acción Social
Centro de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil
trabajo comunal universitario

How to Cite

Alfaro Rodríguez, A. (2023). Sistematización de las labores de Centro de literatura infantil y juvenil y su impacto en la región de Occidente: una investigación histórica y análisis de resultados. Pensamiento Actual, 23(40).


 The present paper aims to carry out a systematization of the different actions carried out by the Center for Children's and Youth Literature TC-370 throughout its existence to assess its social impact. The main objective of this analysis lies in making visible the role of the Social Outreach of the Western Branch of the University of Costa Rica and acknowledge how the work of this project has a positive influence on the communities. Firstly, this research provides the context and beginning of this project; secondly, it displays a systematization of the actions carried out; and finally, it shows its impact in the Western Region of Costa Rica.

Regarding methodology, an intense bibliographic search was carried out (physical archive of the Western Branch: meeting minutes, newspaper articles, journalistic reports, among others). Along with the research on printed documents, a detailed digital bibliographic review was done. Regarding the systematization of the actions of this project from 2010 to 2021, the work reports delivered to the Vice-President for Social Outreach were used. Finally, a telephone interview was carried out with Mrs. Sonia Quesada to complement the information found in the documents.
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