Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586

Oedipus Rex: tradition and novelty. Neurodidactic proposal based on the seven steps of Roberto Rosler's method
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Oedipus Rex
seven steps
Roberto Rosler
Edipo Rey
siete pasos
Roberto Rosler

How to Cite

Aguilar Pérez, E. . (2023). Oedipus Rex: tradition and novelty. Neurodidactic proposal based on the seven steps of Roberto Rosler’s method. Pensamiento Actual, 23(41).


For many years, the student population has shown apathy towards reading, a situation that is clearly reflected in reading comprehension rates indices, addressing this issue in an innovative way is not only a duty, but an obligation for the Costa Rican system education and if possible in other latitudes (nations, contexts, generations). The purpose of this proposal is based on the use of Roberto Rosler's seven-step method to impact the memory of students aimed at meaningful learning, applied to the development of communication skills according to the Spanish Study Program: Communication and reading comprehension, in order to create a convergence between the studies of Classical Literature and the current reality of the students of the Costa Rican educational system.
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