Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586

The shoggoth metaphor in the Artificial Intelligence
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Artificial intelligence
Philosophy of technology
technological metaphor
H.P Lovecraft
Inteligencia artificial
filosofía de la tecnología
metáfora tecnológica
H.P Lovecraft

How to Cite

Masís González, T. . (2024). The shoggoth metaphor in the Artificial Intelligence. Pensamiento Actual, 24(43).


Through the shoggoth metaphor, the community around the development of large language models in artificial intelligence describes particular characteristics of this technology. Given their conditions of opacity and apparent incommensurability, these algorithmic models call to question some epistemological properties of technology and its role in the modern project. The purpose of this text is to present reflections extracted from the use of this metaphor in the context of artificial intelligence, so that it is possible to point out paradoxes for modern society and draw what could be new properties of technology.
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