Población y Salud en Mesoamérica ISSN electrónico: 1659-0201

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/psm/oai
Incidence of catastrophic health expenditure in Costa Rican households 2004 and 2013
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health expenditures
catastrophic expenditure
household consumption
household surveys
health insurance

gastos en salud
gasto catastrófico
consumo de los hogares
encuestas de hogares
seguro de salud

How to Cite

Briceño Chamorro, R., & Vargas Brenes, J. R. (2017). Incidence of catastrophic health expenditure in Costa Rican households 2004 and 2013. Población Y Salud En Mesoamérica, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.15517/psm.v15i1.29595


Objetive: Identify the percentage of households whose out-of-pocket expenditures turn out to be a financial catastrophe (thirty to forty percent of household income). Methods: The World Bank's Research and Development Group Equity and Financial Protection module ADePT software is used along with a series of programmable routines that replicate the catastrophic expenditure analysis methodology of the study developed by Knaul, Wong, and Arreola-Ornelas (2012). Results: The incidence of catastrophic expenditure increased slightly from 0.6 percent of households in 2004 to 0.8 percent in 2013. Conclusions: The incidence of catastrophic health expenditure in Costa Rican households is not a problem for the Costa Rican health system, but the concern should be issue targeted.
PDF (Español (España))


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