Infraestructura Vial ISSN Impreso: 1409-4045 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3705

Vol. 25 No. 44 (2023): Issue 44 January - December 2023
Issue 44 January - December 2023

Scientific Papers

Carlos Lucio Raffo Suclupe, Leyner Oswaldo Calva Herrera
Physical-mechanical evaluation of asphalt mixtures through the addition of recycled motor oil
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Iván Manuel Moreno Parra
Megaprojects paradox and Ecuadorian road budget management 2002-2006
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Mauricio Carballo Rojas, María Gallardo Mejía , Minor Eduardo Murillo Chacón
Analysis of a cement-treated base with the addition of recycled PET fibers
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Griselda Mamani Gonzalo , Sleyther Arturo De La Cruz Vega, Ccori Siello Vega Neyra , Patricia Maribel Yllescas Rodríguez, Walter Manuel Rea Olivares
Stabilization of the subgrade with quinoa ash and lime on the Lago Sagrado Highway, Puno, Peru
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Alexandra Maylle Paima, Pedro Enrique Avila Tarma
Elaboration of a mix design for the stabilization of soil with asphalt emulsion type CSS-1h and recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) based on the modified Marshall procedure
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Julio César Hernández Moreno, Juan Bosco Hernández Zaragoza , Jaime Moisés Horta Rangel , Ricardo Montoya Zamora , Teresa López Lara
Cold mix asphalt design with ternary cementitious fillers to reduce loss of stability due to moisture
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José Pablo Díaz-Arrieta, Josué Rivas Valverde, Jaime Allen Monge
Analysis of perspectives and public policies focused on electric public transportation - bus mode in Costa Rica (2018-2022)
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