Embodying a hegemonic masculinity refers to all these protocols, behaviors, and attitudes that respond to the problem of the legitimacy of patriarchy; it implies a series of actions that justify a structure of gender domination. There is a masculine archetype that men are expected to embody, which involves following a series of rules such as showing strength, impulsiveness, violence, and also prohibits the expression of emotions that could be a sign of weakness. However, there are exceptions within exclusively male spaces where this hegemonic law is not rigorously followed, events that are named in this essay as male symptomatic hypocrisy. Regardless of whether these exceptions to the hegemonic law of masculinity are a hypocritical act or not, it shows us a series of deficiencies resulting from embodying this archetype of man, in adittion to the fact that the masculine law does not allow other ways of expressing them. It also allow us to think about forms of masculinity beyond the hegemonic, that are not built on violence and discomfort.
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