Actualidades en Psicología ISSN Impreso: 0258-6444 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3535

Conceptual and methodological referents regarding the modern notion of validity in measurement instruments: implications for the evaluation of people with special educational needs
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measurement instruments
psychological tests
educational tests
special educational needs.
instrumentos de medición
pruebas psicológicas
pruebas educativas

How to Cite

Montero Rojas, E. (2013). Conceptual and methodological referents regarding the modern notion of validity in measurement instruments: implications for the evaluation of people with special educational needs. Actualidades En Psicología, 27(114), 113–128.


A general look is taken around the modern concept of validity, with a special focus in psychological and educational tests, with the purpose of presenting an updated discussion and providing conceptual and methodological tools to test developers and users. Regarding validity, the important contributions of Samuel Messick are highlighted, including the notion that establishes that this is a unitary concept, referred to the degree of appropriateness of the interpretations and inferences that are drawn from test scores. The measurement models better known and used currently are mentioned, the Classical Test Theory (CTT), and Item Response Theory (IRT), including the Rasch Model. The topics of DIF (Differential Item Functioning) and equating are also introduced. Finally, some implications of this frame of reference are analyzed in terms of the accommodations that are necessary to implement for persons with special educational needs.
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