Spatial distribution pattern of common bean “amachamiento” (Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie) in field.


  • Néstor Felipe Chaves-Barrantes Universidad de Costa Rica, Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno, Programa de Leguminosas
  • Carlos Manuel Araya-Fernández Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias, Laboratorio de Fitopatología



false angular leaf spot, foliar nematode, spatial pattern, Phaseolus vulgaris L.


The objective of the research was to determine the spatial distribution pattern of common bean “amachamiento” in field. It was carried out from May through July 2009 in Pérez Zeledón, San José Province, and Buenos Aires, Puntarenas Province, in Costa Rica. Disease incidence in micro plots was evaluated in two commercial fields following two different crop rotation systems: rice/common bean and corn/common bean. Spatial distribution of “amachamiento” in field was determined by using the ordinary runs analysis, variance to mean ratio (V/M), Lloyd and Morisita’s index. The ordinary runs analysis showed -1.06 Z value for the first crop rotation system and -0,98 for the second one, what suggested an aggregated spatial pattern (patches) of the disease in the field. The M/V, Lloyd and Morisita’s index were over 1 in both fields, what confirmed the aggregated pattern. Patches of “amachamiento” in the field can be masked by crop rotation with hosts of the nematode Aphelenchoides besseyi – its causal agent –, especially corn/common bean rotation since the farmer spread over the field the surviving inoculum in crop debris before the common bean crop.


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How to Cite

Chaves-Barrantes, N. F., & Araya-Fernández, C. M. (2014). Spatial distribution pattern of common bean “amachamiento” (Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie) in field. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 25(1), 13–21.

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