Hardened beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and technological alternatives for their utilization in the food industry
legumes, Fabaceae, technological processes, agri-food industry, hard-to-cook, storageAbstract
Introduction. Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are one of the most widely consumed legumes worldwide due to their high nutritional value, particularly for their protein and mineral content. One critical aspect of bean quality is proper storage, which is essential to prevent issues such as hardening. This phenomenon leads to increased cooking time, reduced palatability, lower nutritional value, and decreased consumer acceptance. Therefore, it is not only necessary to understand the causes and mechanisms behind bean hardening but also to identify technological alternatives to utilize hardened beans effectively. Objective. To analyze the structural changes in beans that lead to hardening, and to evaluate treatments that enhance the use of hardened beans in the food industry. Development. This study was conducted from November 2023 to July 2024. It involved an exhaustive review and summary of the main accepted hypotheses explaining bean hardening, including the pectin-cation-phytate theory, lignification, and protein-starch interactions, as well as the causes and consequences of this phenomenon. Additionally, the study explored pre-treatment and processing techniques used in industrial bean production, highlighting promising approaches for processing hardened beans. These include cooking, microwaving, autoclaving, germination, and innovative methods such as high hydrostatic pressures. Conclusions. Bean hardening is a multifactorial issue posing challenges for producers and consumers alike. Implementing treatments to utilize hardened beans is essential. While various treatments show potential, further research is needed to develop effective solutions for the food industry.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Tania Chacón-Ordóñez, Stefanny Campos-Boza, Paola Gamboa-Moreno, Néstor Felipe Chaves-Barrantes , Óscar Acosta-Montoya

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