Livestocks systems with tropical dairy creolle (Reyna) in Costa Rica.


  • Julio Vilaboa Arroniz Colegio de Postgraduados de México
  • Olman Quirós Madrigal Universidad de Costa Rica, Centros de Investigaciones en Economía Agrícola y Desarrollo Agroempresarial
  • Pablo Díaz Rivera Colegio de Postgraduados de México
  • Rodolfo WingChing-Jones Uni­ve­rsi­da­d de­ Costa­ Ri­ca, Escue­la­ de­ Zoote­cni­a­
  • Natalie Brower Keating Peace Corps
  • Pedro Zetina Córdoba Universidad Politécnica de Huatusco



Races, crosses, milk production, technology index, production units


The aim of this study was to identify the technology components used in livestock systems withTropical Dairy Creole (CLT) Reyna and socioeconomic characteristics of farmers who use this race. The study was conducted in the provinces of Cartago and Guanacaste, Costa Rica in May-July 2011. We interviewed managers of dairy modules at Experiment Station Alfredo Volio Mata(EEAVM) at the University of Costa Rica and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Education (CATIE) plus fi veindependent producers. Variables analyzed were social, technological and commercial awareness as well as the useof this breed. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and cluster analysis using SAS version 8.0. There were four groups called G1: Guanacaste producers, G2: EEAVM,G3: Cartago producer and G4: CATIE. The surface forthese groups was 60±31.6, 24, 57 and 46 hectares with aunited animal per hectare (AU ha-1) 0.6±0.1, 2.6, 0.7 and4.1, respectively. Race Reyna is mainly used to establish Bos taurus and/or Bos indicus crosses in order to obtain adaptability and resistance to the environment. However, itsuse and management has been undermined by institutional policies, both legal and productive.


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Author Biographies

Julio Vilaboa Arroniz, Colegio de Postgraduados de México

Colegio de Postgraduados Campus Veracruz. México

Olman Quirós Madrigal, Universidad de Costa Rica, Centros de Investigaciones en Economía Agrícola y Desarrollo Agroempresarial

Centros de Investigaciones en Economía Agrícola y Desarrollo Agroempresarial (CIEDA). Universidad de Costa Rica.

Pablo Díaz Rivera, Colegio de Postgraduados de México

Colegio de Postgraduados Campus Veracruz. México

Rodolfo WingChing-Jones, Uni­ve­rsi­da­d de­ Costa­ Ri­ca, Escue­la­ de­ Zoote­cni­a­

Escuela de Zootecnia. Universidad de Costa Rica. Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio. San Pedro, Costa Rica.

Natalie Brower Keating, Peace Corps

Peace Corps. Costa Rica

Pedro Zetina Córdoba, Universidad Politécnica de Huatusco

Universidad Politécnica de Huatusco. Unidad Académica de Biotecnología y Agroindustrial. Veracruz, México

How to Cite

Vilaboa Arroniz, J., Quirós Madrigal, O., Díaz Rivera, P., WingChing-Jones, R., Brower Keating, N., & Zetina Córdoba, P. (2012). Livestocks systems with tropical dairy creolle (Reyna) in Costa Rica. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 23(1), 167–178.

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