Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

Character education: social and civic participation in the classroom
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participación estudiantil
sistema de valores
educación ciudadana
student participation
value system
citizen education

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Ortiz Cermeño, E. (2018). Character education: social and civic participation in the classroom. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 18(2).


This essay analyzes the social and civic participation of the Center for Narrative and Transformative Learning of the United Kingdom (2005), and of the United States Commission of Education (2013), in the midst of a world in continuous progress and change where it is necessary that, through education you can find routes of thought and action that lead to a renewed and committed concept of citizenship. Linked to other definitions (character education, ethics, virtue education) based on respect for universal ethical values. The aim of the work is to offer a descriptive, bibliographic review of various authors who advocate that public education should contribute to redefining public space, creating awareness, interests, critical thinking in society. It is concluded that schools have the responsibility of preparing the student to perform a participatory citizenship and acquire values for democratic coexistence.
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