Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

What valuations have the student body of pedagogy about research articles?
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vocational training
college student
formación profesional
estudiantado universitario

How to Cite

Perines, H., & Vega, R. (2019). What valuations have the student body of pedagogy about research articles?. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 19(3).


Educational research in the training of teachers is a fundamental element for their optimal professional preparation. Thanks to the research, future teachers can know updated knowledge about their own practice and have a basis to formulate and justify their points of view. This research seeks to know the valuations that pedagogy students have of research articles as a resource in their training and know the visions that students have about the link between research articles and elements of their future teaching practice. To achieve these purposes, a qualitative approach is chosen in which semi - structured interviews and focus groups are used with 59 students from the University of La Serena (Chile) who are in their third year and who belong to different careers. The research was done between April and July 2018. The results indicate that the people who participated in the study positively value the research articles, recognize the potential they possess for their training and their importance for decision making in their future teaching practice. Among the conclusions, a call is made to teachers' trainers, to university administrations, to educational researchers and researchers already in charge of the research area of the universities, so that they become aware of the importance of the research training of the teachers of tomorrow and of the timely inclusion of research articles in their pedagogical preparation.
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