The evidence of recent years suggests that the quality of teacher-student dialogue in the classroom is important in learning achievement. But it is not yet known sufficiently dialogues which are more beneficial, and what kind of model analysis is the most relevant. The aim of this article is to illustrate an analytical model of the didactic classroom interaction that integrates mediation criteria to the Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) and the categories of the Conversation Analysis (CA) specifically the concepts of intervention and exchange. Methodologically, this is a qualitative analysis of an instrumental case, which involved the shooting of three consecutive classes of a fourth grade teacher of a school located in vulnerable social sectors of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile. The analysis of the observation records was carried out with the categories of MLE and CA. The results indicate that the criteria of the MLE are more accurate when linking the communicative action of the teacher with the communicative action of the student – moving the observation focus from the intervention to the exchange- and the exchanges become more accurate to describe the intentional action of the teacher from the curriculum in relation to the actions mediating autonomous learning of students. It results that there are classroom exchanges that contain criteria of the EAM theory, and contribute to understanding the predisposition to learn in students living in vulnerable social contexts.
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