Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Evaluation and Educative Intervention in the Classroom with Disruptive Students in the Framework of an Inclusive School
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Secondary School
disruptive students
learning process
Educación secundaria obligatoria
alumnado disruptivo

How to Cite

Badia Martín, M. M., & Daura Luján, G. (2018). Evaluation and Educative Intervention in the Classroom with Disruptive Students in the Framework of an Inclusive School. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 42(2), 127–148.


The research project "Evaluation and educational intervention with disruptive pupils within the framework of an inclusive school" was performed during the first and second quarter of the 2015-2016 school year. The main objective was to evaluate the agents involved in the classroom within a mainstream school, where disruptive students are presented. From the results obtained a number of proposals were made and methodological strategies for teachers, enabling them to understand and be sensitive to the behavioral problems of some of his students, generating appropriate responses to their needs. From the observation and analysis of a 1st course of compulsory secondary education, from now on ESO (26 students) were detected those students who by their characteristics were considered disruptive. The consequences that this causes in routine operation, possible causes were addressed, and the perceptions themselves from these situations of disruption were analyzed. The teachers involved (tutors, subject teachers, head teacher, director, Department of counseling, mediation group, janitors ....) with the help of interviews and questionnaires, helped us to obtain useful conclusions to achieve the objectives. Family characteristics, involvement and participation throughout the educational process have been useful to know what the perception of the school, the classroom, the students and all the teachers, to establish a set of tools valid to improve their behavior. Among some of the data obtained can be observed very similar results regarding the relational dimension (conflict) and the development dimension (autonomy and morality-religiosity). As regards the stability dimension, both pupils and families attach great importance to the organization and planning of the activities and responsibilities of the family, and to a lesser extent to which it refers to the norms and procedures established there in family.
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