Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Give voice to The Protagonists: The Participation of Students in The Teaching-Learning Process
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Students’ participation
educational evaluation
PParticipación estudiantil
evaluación de la educación

How to Cite

Hidalgo, N., & Perines, H. (2018). Give voice to The Protagonists: The Participation of Students in The Teaching-Learning Process. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 42(2), 438–464.


The main objective of this research is to describe the pedagogical practices and the attitudes that teachers have towards the students participation. For this, an ex post facto descriptive study has been developed with 177 teachers belonging to Secondary Education High Schools of four Autonomous Communities of Spain. The research focuses on three aspects of the participation practices that teachers develop: the selection of content to teach, the teaching strategies to be carried out and the assessment of learning. The results suggest that teachers allow students to participate mainly in the selection of teaching strategies but very little in assessment or selection of content. In addition, among the three participation practices analyzed, the option most chosen by the teachers is to inform the students in advance of what is going to be carried out during the classes. On the other hand, very few teachers claim to give space to the consensus or the implication of these.
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