Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Education and Human Rights in Chile, a necessary relationship
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How to Cite

Álvarez-Bravo, P. (2018). Education and Human Rights in Chile, a necessary relationship. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 43(1), 592–604.


This essay has as its fundamental aim to raise awareness on the production of senses that education and human rights have in Chilean society, in the construction of the system and in the everyday experience. For that reason, it speaks firstly about education, and secondly about human rights, with the idea of ​​constructing a methodology based on dialogue, where reflexivity and criticism take place. These pages support the thesis that education and human rights have a synergistic and reciprocally enriching relationship because the aim is to cultivate the humanizing experience in which the human being’s life is constituted. However, in many places in Latin America, as in Chile, the relationship between education and human rights, as a product of the economic, sociocultural and political conditions carried out in the last forty years, has not favored the construction of this system. This has been an exception and a product of the divorce between the senses and the perspectives of a country stitched with the needle of neoliberalism. As a conclusion, the importance of the relationship between education and human rights is underlined as a basis not only of a curriculum, but also of the pedagogical link as a critical input and as an affective, always powerful, form to construct ethical and cultural heritage that safeguard and enrich human relations.
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