In an effort to understand the social practices and origin of Mathematical Induction, we conducted both a literature review on the teaching of Mathematical Induction and a historical-epistemological analysis of the subject dating back to two periods: prior to the 16th century and during the 16th-17th centuries. The socioepistemological theoretical approach used to determine social practice for mathematical induction is the “proof”. We also considered useful elements necessary to redesign mathematics school discourses specifically for engineering students. Four students and two instructors were asked to complete a survey about problem-solving difficulties that students struggled with. We conclude that although Mathematical Induction is an important method of proof in Mathematics, the origins of the social practice of the “proof” infers that its resignification is too complex and inappropriate for engineering students. A historical-epistemological analysis from the 18th century to the present is recommended in order to redesign the educational discourse associated with this subject.
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