Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Encouraging Social Education for Gifted students: Peer Tutoring
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Talent Development
Service Learning
Social Education
Peer Teaching
Ethical Mindset
Desarrollo del talento
Aprendizaje del servicio
Educación social
Aprendizaje entre iguales
Mente ética

How to Cite

Plaza-de-la-Hoz, J. (2019). Encouraging Social Education for Gifted students: Peer Tutoring. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 43(2), 629–642.


A sustainable society poses challenges to future generations as well as the educational system. Our globalized technological world requires all sorts of talents. Under this premise, it is important for all individuals, particularly the gifted, to work together to help build a fair and balanced society. But how do we encourage responsibility? This theoretical study addresses the concept of talent and its different models as it is reviewed in literature. It particularly emphasizes Social Education and Learning as it pertains to service. Finally, it reinterprets peer tutoring as a way of encouraging social responsibility among the student body. This may be excellent training, especially for high achievers, to practice proactive, supportive and democratic leadership in the service of concerned communities.
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