Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

An Exploratory Study on the Knowledge of Memory Processes Teachers
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Learning Processes
Formal education
Procesos de aprendizaje
Educación formal

How to Cite

Muchiut, Álvaro F., Vaccaro, P., Zapata, R. B., & Segovia, A. P. (2019). An Exploratory Study on the Knowledge of Memory Processes Teachers. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 43(2), 293–310.


Memory facilitates teaching and learning. This pre-experimental design study explores how knowledgeable teachers are about memory and consists of two stages that serve as baselines for future studies. A group of 196 teachers that taught all types of grade levels were asked to answer a two-part survey. The teachers were attendees at a Neuroeducation training session that was held in the city of Resistencia, Argentina in 2017. The data was analyzed on Excel spreadsheets. According to the results obtained, 65% of the teachers stated having knowledge about  the concept of memory and 15% reported having none. On the other hand, 72% said that they had minimal knowledge about memory as it relates to learning whereas 13% stated having none. The workshop proved to significantly increase the level of knowledge among the attendees regarding concept of memory (76%), different types of memory (52%) and how it relates to learning (55%). It can be concluded that knowledge about how the student brain learns and, specifically, how the memory process is interrelated to learning, is essential for teacher training since it allows for better planning and more effective teaching.
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