Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Effect of Differentiated Education on Intelligence and Academic Performance among Gifted Students in Mexico
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Intellectual Enhancement
Differentiated Education
Intellectual Quotient
Academic Achievement
Potenciación intelectual
Sobredotación (Superdotación)
Educación diferenciada
Coeficiente intelectual
Desempeño académico

How to Cite

Almazan Anaya, A. A. (2020). Effect of Differentiated Education on Intelligence and Academic Performance among Gifted Students in Mexico. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 45(1), 151–169.


Although gifted students are a minority among the school population, a high percentage of this group does not receive the proper attention due to lack of available psycho-educational strategies. A Latin American model of a school for gifted children is the Intellectual Enhancement Program (PPI) which is designed to develop intelligence and academic performance through intensive cognitive stimulation and differentiated education. The results of a study conducted among 1,600 gifted students are presented. The study assesses the impact of PPI (2,083 hours per year) on IQ as well as scores attained in on the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) over a two-year period. The study included a control group of 400 gifted students addressed with a traditional school approach. When comparing the impact of differentiated education versus a traditional school approach, statistically significant differences (P <0.05) were perceived both in IQ and SAT scores. There was also a significant correlation in the number of hours four differentiated programs using both indicators (IQ and SAT scores). A mean increase of 19.5% was identified for IQ scores for differentiated education students, while the control group experienced a downturn of 10.7% for the same period. Whereas SAT scores increased 19.7% in the specialized group, they increased a mere 2.9% in the control group.  Based on the study, differentiated education has significant effects on gifted student in Mexico and purports to the effectiveness of PPI as a solution for resolving educational concerns for gifted students.
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